Friday, February 7, 2014

Baby Year 1 developments

Having a baby made me look at myself at a different angle, I realized things about myself. For example, I do follow norms and observe standard baby growth when we all know that each is different and has different stages of developments. I guess I am just too eager to see these developments for baby Zara and I wish I would be the first one to notice or observe the changes that will occur on her first year. 

Gross Motor
Fine Motor
1 month
Moves head from side to side when on stomach
Strong grip
Stares at hands and fingers
Tracks movement with eyes
2 months
Holds head and neck up briefly while on tummy
Opens and closes hands
Begins to play with fingers
Smiles responsively
3 months
Reaches and grabs at objects
Grips objects in hands
Imitates you when you stick out your tongue
4 months
Pushes up on arms when lying on tummy
Grabs objects -- and gets them!
Laughs out loud
Enjoys play and may cry when playing stops
5 months
Begins to roll over in one or the other direction
Is learning to transfer objects from one hand to the other
Blows “raspberries” (spit bubbles)
Reaches for mommy or daddy and cries if they’re out of sight
6 months
Rolls over both ways
Uses hands to “rake” small objects
Recognizes familiar faces --caregivers and friends as well as family
7 months
Moves around --is starting to crawl, scoot, or “army crawl”
Is learning to use thumb and fingers
Babbles in a more complex way
Responds to other people’s expressions of emotion
8 months
Sits well without support
Begins to clap hands
Responds to familiar words, looks when you say his name
Plays interactive games like peekaboo
9 months
May try to climb/crawl up stairs
Uses the pincer grasp
Learns object permanence -- that something exists even if he can’t see it
Is at the height of stranger anxiety
10 months
Pulls up to stand
Stacks and sorts toys
Waves bye-bye and/or lifts up arms to communicate “up”
Learns to understand cause and effect (“I cry, Mommy comes”)
11 months
Cruises, using furniture
Turns pages while you read
Says “mama” or “dada” for either parent
Uses mealtime games (dropping spoon, pushing food away) to test your reaction; expresses food preferences
12 months
Stands unaided and may take first steps
Helps while getting dressed (pushes hands into sleeves)
Says an average of 2-3 words (often “mama” and “dada”)
Plays imitative games such as pretending to use the phone

While everything else in the above mentioned list is a check for baby Zara, I worry about her teething because nothing is happening in that sector of development. At any point, i leave it to the course of nature and I will do my best to support her nutrition wise, so far, baby Zara is still on breastfeeding and eats rice cereal or brown rice mixed with potatoes carrot veg puree at least twice if not thrice a day, and loves her rice biscuits.  

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